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I am 28-year-old male, I am suffering from block nose. Either of my each nose one is blocked always either left or right. I use otrivin to get relief but it harms by mind. I tried taking vapour some told me to do yoga but it does not affect anything. I also suffer from headache but do not know actually if this nose problem causing headache. I consult two local ENT also homeopathy they say it is dns. I done surgery two times but got no result please suggest me some medicine which can help me to get relief from this. Pleas suggest me some medicine pills.
1Doctor Answered
95% (137 ratings)
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Hi, thank you for reaching out to us. Your symptoms sounds like you may be suffering from an allergy. We can do an allergy test and try to find out what your allergic to, with a complete allergy test by skin prick method. This is the gold standard of allergy testing. If we are able to identify what you are allergic to, we can get vaccines made to get rid of your allergy on a long term basis.
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