My penis is curved 30 to 45 degree left side. Based on various internet info I found that it is pyroienie disease. For the self treatment I was searching. Many medical pages shows that treatment is vitamin e and verapamil gel. I can get this vitamin e tablet evion 400 at local medical store. Verapamil gel is not available in tamil nadu. I need alternative ointment to dissolve scar tissue in my penis. Anyone please help. And want to know which non surgical treatment will help to cure this pyroienie quickly and effectively. Please tell a ointment and medicine which should be available in local medical store at tamilnadu. Thanks in advance.
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Hello- peyronie's disease is characterized by an extreme curving of the erect penis caused by a hard, fibrous layer of scar tissue (plaque) that has developed under the skin. When the penis grows and hardens, the scar tissue pulls the affected area to an angle, causing an unnatural bend. There are no known firm measures in modern science except surgery that can be taken to prevent peyronie's disease. Surgical method has a high rate of recurrence and can cause unwelcome side effects, such as partial loss of erection (weak erection) or shortening of an erect penis (penis shrinkage). However, peyronie's disease can be completely cured and reversed by the help of ayurveda treatment, and it does not have any kind of recurrence too. Many potent herbs in ayurveda contain natural growth factors and phyto-molecules that are known to stimulate penile tissue repair and the rejuvenation process.
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Hello lybrate-user, you have failed to mention your age. This condition can very well be congenital curvature if its there right from the beginning. If its acquired at a later part of your life (usually after 40's) it can be peyronnie's disease. Any curvature that prohibits the penetration during intercoarse needs surgical correction. Medical therapy is usually ineffective.
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