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Sir, I had a sexual exposure with a call girl before 7 months. I had many symptoms like fever, gas, stomach pain, oral ulcers ,high liver enzymes, high eosinophilia 7% and high wbc 11000. Up to 4 months my antibodies test showed negative. At 4 months 10 days I had a tridot test which showed a reactive on hiv 2 side. But my confirmation elisa test at 5 months from thyrocare showed non reactive. Another hiv duo test at 5 months 20 days showed non reactive through cmia. western blot at six months is alsonegitive I took a treated at end of 7 months which is also negative. But I have symptoms white tongue and bitter taste ,burping ,pain in the center of the chest. My cbc showing twbc 10300. High esinophils 8% and lymphocytes 41%.i am totally clue less what to do now. Please I need a suggestion from hiv specialist.
2Doctors Answered
Dr. Ishwaryrs exp
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You are bound o be confused, as tridot once shown hiv-2 positive. However in the light of other tests, that is false positive. Unfortunately you are only bothered about only hiv and not 20 odd other stds. To better understand reasons, symptoms,risks, consequences of stds, please take private consult with audio-video chat and then I can guide you properly.
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