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Hlo doctor. My frnd had a unprotected sex with her bf. But the thing is the semen didn't go inside her vagina. He didn't eject inside also. He took top of her vagina and took back. It was happened in nov 11. After one week that she got her periods. And after no periods for 3 months. She is 18 she can't go to hospital. But she took pregnancy test kit 5 times. The 5 times also it came as negative. But she is panic abt her stomach. The stomach is growing up .so yesterday it means feb 28 at nyt 10 pm she took mifepristone tab. And she is getting stomach pain. And vomiting sensation. 10 hours over this is the symptoms plzz help me she can't go to hospital or she can not tell with her parents. So she need to take misoprostol or not. Whether she can continue the misoprostol tab. Or what she need to do. Kindly help me doctor.
3Doctors Answered
92% (380 ratings)
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She is most likely not pregnant.
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If pregnancy test is negative then please do not worry.
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If pregnancy is not confirmed no sense of misopristol. If pregnancy is confirmed sonography after 15 days required to confirm whether properly effective or not. If complaints are more now, have to go to gynecologist.
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