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Hello, I am from ksa age: 28 married: since 2 years I have been told with semen analysis issue "normospermia" for that I got my sa result after 5 days gap as fellow" volume = 3.5 ml time of l = 30 min t.sperm count = 215 million motile = 07 % sluggish motile = 33 % non motile = 60 % normal form = 40 % abnormal form = 60 % pus cells = 04 hpf r.b.c = 01/cmm note: kindly note it down that I have type 2 diabetics. Hba1c = 10.33 % medicine on going as below: morning 500 metformin with 2 mg glimepiride afternoon 2 mg glimepiride night 500 metformin with 2 mg glimepiride so kindly if anyone have complete cure for this problem let me know.
1Doctor Answered
91% (3812 ratings)
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There is no permanent solution of diabetes. Control it and your sexual function will improve. For control stop afternoon glimipride and add tab januvia100 after breakfast.
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