I am suffering from schizophrenia since last 7 years, I have went for many doctors since last 5 years only psychiatrists they delivered me different sets of medicines but the medicine. I have been relieved is risperidone+trihexyphenidyl hcl tablets both came under the name risdone plus (2 mg) and amisulpride 100 mg. But due to my bad habits of discontinuation of taking medicines on later the auditory hallucination keep on arising at later time, (1) can you tell me how much time will it take to completely relieved from this schizophrenia? And the sedation effect let me have a heaviness and concussions in the morning which is why my brain functioning gets slowed down to almost zero. (2) is there any other medicines to cure schizophrenia without sedation effects as I have to work also from time to time and been taking medicines for only once a day.
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Dear Lybrate-User, Schizophrenia is a lifelong chronic disorder like diabetes and high blood pressure. So, it needs life long medication to keep its symptoms like hallucinations under control. 1. It will be life long, 2. There are non sedating medicines like amisulpride, ziprasidone. Most medicines can be taken only once for maintenance of improvement. Even risdone plus 2 mg will not sedate you in the long run. But if you have a relapse due to discontinuation of tablets, it needs more dose of drugs, more number of times to be taken with more sedation. Please focus on your 'bad' habit of discontinuation. 1. You can request one of your family member to give you the tablet daily. 2. They can use dispersible tablet or liquid of risperidone if you refuse. 3. You can go for long acting injectable antipsychotics. Please discuss with your psychiatrist - only one hereafter!
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More than 1 year of schizophrenic illness is called chronic schizophrenia and most likely requires life long medications. Kindly get this into your mind. It is like diabetes or hypertension, a derangement in bodily metabolism, so medications needs to be taken without break for reaching near normalcy in functioning. Taking medicines regularly will lead to poor symptom (mainly hallucinations and delusions) control, long term negative and cognitive symptoms and also residual symptoms which cannot be corrected. So from now meticulously follow your psychiatrist advise, and take medicines regularly with not even a single day break. Attend review and discuss the improvement and any side effects of present, most of them can be addressed and changed. All the best.
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