I am type 2 diabetes patient doctor suggest me gemer p1 & tenlihart 20 before meal & after meal respectively. Now my fasting 99 & pp 102 how longer I take this medicine. It is harmful to stop that medicine.
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Hi sir, Take it for a long time.
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You will have to take it lifelong. It cannot be stopped.
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The fasting and post-prandial sugar is well under control. So you should continue taking these medicines. Only if you are feeling symptoms of hypoglycemia or observe your blood sugar in lower range (< 80 mg/dl) during routine blood sugar monitoring, then you should consult the doctor for modification in dose. Thanks.
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Dear, Your sugar seems to be well controlled, there's a good chance that your doctor will reduce the dosage in future in the figures remain this good but if you stop the meds the sugar levels will kick high and lead to complications.
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