Will the poison from Scorpio bite be cured if the matchstick powder is applied? Please suggest me.
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1. A fast quick�scorpion bite treatment�is: take 4-5 matchbox stick and collect their head material flammable nontoxic�red phosphorus�and mix with water. Use this on scorpion bite place to reduce poison effect. 2. Like�snake bite treatment, use a sharp instrument to make a deep cut and remove scorpion sting from the body and tightly wrapped with a cloth above 5-7 inches above from the bite location. 3. To reduce scorpion bite poison mix�onion juice�with nausadar (ammonium chloride) and apply on the bite place. 4.�Trailing eclipta�(eclipta alba) also used in treatment of scorpion sting. Apply the paste of its leaves on bitten area to reduce swelling and pain. 5. To reduce the poison of scorpion sting,�cumin seedsalso used. Mix cumin seeds powder in salt and add some clarified butter and honey in it. Finally warm this mixture and apply on scorpion sting area.
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Dear lybrateuser, -There is no clinical evidence that scorpion bite can be cured by applying matchstick powder..
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