I'm a pcos patient. My period stays for 12-13 days every month with medium to large clots. Last year I got married. In the month of march I had period for 19 days. In april I had period for 13 days and after a 4 days gap I noticed brown colour discharge and 1 clot or 2 each day, some times brown discharge, sometimes tiny clots which is still happening. I have done usg thats why. The report states- uterus: anteverted, bulky in size (96x48x44 mm. The endometrial echoline is centrally placed but it's thick (8 mm). Cervix is normal. Internal os is closed. Ovaries: normal in size. Outline and echotexture with peripherally arranged follicles in right ovary. Right ovary-> 36x19 mm, left ovary-> 32x17 mm. Adnexa: free pod: clear impression: polycystic ovarian syndrome. I'm still noticing one or two tiny clot and brown discharge while urinating. I consulted a gyno and she prescribed me ovacare myo and dronis 30/diane 35 and some blood tests. Is there anything to fear?
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You are in right hands. Be in touch with your gynecologist.
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Hi, u r experiencing irregular and prolonged periods with heavy bleeding due to pcos. U can take the tablets prescribed by ur gynecologist. These tablets will regularise ur menses.
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Hi lybrate-user, from the reports which you shared. I feel you are suffering from an endometrial polyp. You are also over the weight of 93 kg for 5,7 ht. I highly recommend you to undergo hysteroscopic guided polypectomy. Its essential for not only controlling your bleeding during periods but also for future pregnancy. Please reduces your weight. Check your thyroid profile, a complete blood count and prolactin levels.
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