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I was feeling a little irritation while peeing since 20th may when I last had my intercourse, I thought it might be because it was a little rough and i'm not use to of it, but later I realized that I am having a penis just beside my vagina. It was becoming painful day by day so I used neosporin antibiotic powder in the hope that it while dry as just like the one I had 4 years ago. But nothing happened and this morning I felt more pain than usual, and just few moments ago I realised tht I am having 4 to 5 phunsies down their. 2 beside vagina, 1 at the entry of the vagina and other somewhere around it making my vaginal area very painful that now am not even able walk a little distance properly. Please help me and let me know what should I do further to get rid of this painful dirt.

2Doctors Answered
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