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Stress in itself very rarely affects the outcome of a hair transplant however it can affect your mental well-being and as a knock-on effect your physical health can suffer. During an FUE hair transplant, hair follicles are transplanted from one area of the scalp to a different area of the scalp. Although these hair follicles are transplanted they will still act the same and have the same properties as before they were transplanted. With this in mind, your hair will still act in the same way as it did before the transplant, and this does mean stress can still trigger hair loss in hair that has been transplanted. This means you could experience hair loss due to stress even on the transplanted hair. It is important to remember your transplanted hair will act as it did before, following the same growth cycle, and stress-related hair loss will resume the normal growth phase and it isn?t always something you need to worry about.
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