Hello sir I have sex relation with prostitute on date 17 june night but my condom was slipped I am little worry should I become hiv positive after that I tested the prostitute such as hiv 1 and 2, hepatitis b and c but only hepatitis c become positive and I will take pep medicine within 72 hour. After exposure. I want to know is that there is any test to detect hiv virus within my body or not.
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The 4th generation hiv tests (antigen/antibody) will detect 95% of infections four weeks after exposure. A negative test after four weeks then needs to be confirmed with a second test three months after the risk. This is in case you take longer than four weeks to generate an antibody response. Some laboratories provide pooled viral load testing, a technique allowing blood that is hiv antibody negative to be tested for the presence of the hiv virus, thus indicating early infection, without testing each individual sample. However, pooled viral load testing is not widely available. You may wonder why viral load tests are not the standard if they can detect hiv much earlier than antibody tests. First, in most cases, antibody tests are sufficient to test for hiv because hiv has been present long enough to be detected and current hiv antibody tests can detect hiv infection as soon as 30 days after hiv infection. In addition, viral load tests are not only expensive but also so sensitive that a false-positive result is a very real concern. However, the availability of the 4th-generation hiv antibody/antigen test may make simultaneous testing for both very early hiv infection and chronic hiv infection much more feasible.
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