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Actually I had a blow job with my boyfriend in the month of march-april. He tested in the month of january for hiv and the results were negative. He had his full medical checkup and all were normal. Even I tested in the month of may for hiv elisa tridot, vdrl, hbsag, anti hcv and all results were negative and nonreactive. Should I have to worry about getting hiv with my partner. I want to know the higher chances of getting hiv transmission through which activity. And what are the chances of getting hiv through oral sex and kissing.
1Doctor Answered
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Hiv chances are same in all sexual activities as infected person passes viruses through mucous membranes or microabrasions of skin. If both partners are negative no chance of infecion, but only thing one needs to know is thata there is something like silent period meaning during that test is negative inspite of infection being present. Hiv-4th generation test which tests both antibodies and p24 antigen. After 4 months of exposure if negative is reasonably reliable.
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