I am 27 weeks pregnant, from last month I had itching in my palm, leg, feet specially in night and noon. I had do not sgpt and sgot, the result 145 and 134. Doctor prescribed me udiliv 300 twice daily. My question is -is this tablet safe in pregnancy? Pls say in details.
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tab udiliv is safe in pregnancy . continue taking it as prescribed by your doctor . take a fat and protein restricted diet. repeat your shot and sgpt after 10days
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Hello. You are having obstetric cholestasis of pregnancy. Your doctor has prescribed you udiliv which contains ursodeoxycholic acid (udca) which is absolutely safe in pregnancy. I am mentioning in detail about obstetric cholestasis: onset: 2nd or 3rd trimester symptoms: severe pruritus that starts on the palm and sole, then quickly becomes generalised. Jaundice occurs in 10% of cases as is due to concomitant extrahepatic cholestasis. Diagnosis: when unexplained pruritus occurs in pregnancy associated with abnormal lft or raised bile acids. Once diagnosis is done lft should be repeated every week. (other causes of pruritus and abnormal lft should be excluded - 1) viral screen for hepatitis a, b, cmv and epstein barr virus 2) liver autoimmune screen for chronic active hepatitis and primary biliary cirrhosis i.e. Anti smooth muscle and anti mitochondrial antibodies 3) liver usg should also be done) fetal outcome: has been associated with adverse fetal outcome like: preterm labour, meconium staining, fetal distress and sudden fetal demise. Treatment: topical emollients, antihistamines and udca which is considered as the drug of choice and is given at 12 -15 mg/ kg body weight in divided doses. Elective delivery beyond 37 completed weeks is advisable after antenatal corticosteroids as stillbirths tend to cluster around 37 to 39 weeks.
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