Lab report pp 215 sr. creatinine 1.0hba1c 6.4 mean blood glucose level 137 it ie my sugar level and taking gemer 1 and rosawer 5 mg past 4 years .my doctor prescribed now gemer 2 ,i feel too much sweating after 11 am after taking gamer 2 past 10 days hence prescribed to me now janumet instead 50/500 instead of jeemer 2 ,pls advise me janumet is better than jeemer 2, janumet will reduce weight too apart from control sugar $?
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Both are of different class. As you were giving signs of hypoglycemia so your doctor's changed your medication. Both are good. Now important is your blood sugar control. As fasting should be around 100 and pp should be around 150. As per your report your post meal value is high. Diet control exercise regular blood sugar monitoring. Janumet is weight neutral.
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Hello, thanks for the query. I have seen the details. Please let me know whether the additional drug or gemer 2 has been prescribed after seeing your blood glucose report showing hba1c% of 6.4 %?because the hba1c% shows you have excellent glucose control. I do not see the need for any additional medication. Actually if you work seriously on reducing the weight, there will be a definite reduction in blood glucose. With a bmi 36.66 kgs/sq meter (normal < 23 kgs/sq meter), you have an excess of 32 kgs. This itself is an invitation for uncontrolled diabetes. Hence if you take measures to reduce weight even 3 to 4 kgs a month, in few months your glucose levels will come down very effectively. Hence my suggestion is please give a rellok at your diet and join a gym and start systematic workout to reduce excess fat. That itself will help in controlling blood glucose. Thanks.
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Your doctor has changed medicine because of symptoms of hypoglycemia. Raduce weight. Exercise regularly.
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