Hi sir I want information for uric acid. Homeopathic medicine available for uric acid. Please send me the best medicine name my uric acid level is _7. 7 ok thanks sir.
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Uric acid is a heterocyclic compound of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen with the formula c?h?n?o?. It forms ions and salts known as urates and acid urates, such as ammonium acid urate. Uric acid is a product of the metabolic breakdown of purine nucleotides, and it is a normal component of urine gout: this is a form of arthritis where crystals from uric acid form in your joints and cause intense pain. You often feel it in your big toe, but can get it in your ankles, feet, hands, knees, and wrists, as well. It can also cause swelling, redness, and discomfort in those joints, and may limit your range of motion causes. Most of the time, a high uric acid level occurs when your kidneys don't eliminate uric acid efficiently. Things that may cause this slow-down in the removal of uric acid include rich foods, being overweight, having diabetes, taking certain diuretics (sometimes called water pills) and drinking too much alcohol. Tips for increased uric acid levels and gout watch your weight. Eat fresh fruit, vegetables, whole wheat products and some pulses (high in purine) every day. Enjoy low-fat milk and dairy products daily. Keep an eye on the purine content of food. Eat no more than 100g of meat, sausages, fish and poultry a day.
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