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Hi. I am 28 years old married since 2.5 years ago. My first pregnancy got conceived after 10 month of my marriage with thr help of bestova 50 mg tablet bt I suffered frm miscarriage at 13 weeks without any pain and bleeding my fetus came into my hand directly when I went into washroom. Before tht my water bag got break. My doc diagnosed tht I have incompetent cervix so I wil need stitches in future. Afer one year of 1st misscarige on april 2019 I got conceive again bt with help of ovashield 50 mg. Both time I need tablet for my second pregnancy I was on complete bed rest nd I was given hucog5000 injection weekly I also had given bharaglobe injection aftr 21 days of interval. I was on duphaston, susten gastric tablet. Bt at 11 weeks I had some amionitic gluid leakage with bleeding and sharp pain I got admitted in sonography baby was fine so doc made stop my bleeding nd pain with help of sylate and pause injection. After 21 days of thz I went for routine checkup she said I need stitches becz according to her my cervix remain open from beginning time of my conceiving she said tht she can easily insert two fingers in my cervix cervix remain open so she suggested me to have cervical stich so I agreed bt afr putting carcealga she said that baby was too low in uterus so she pushed fetus with machine nd then took stich bt anything can happen. Aftr 20 days of cartilage procedure I had severe labour pain I got admitted where after some time little bleeding also get assured. Whole night I suffered frm pain in morning she came and checked internally nd said tht baby made tear the stitches nd his feet is out of the cervix so she induce labour nd my baby came out at 16 week nd was alive for 15 minutes. I lost my second healthy pregnancy just before one week which ws cmpltly heart breaking 4 me. My doc said tht your uterus does not accept pregnancy it throw out pregnancy what does it mean how someones uterus can nt accept pregnancy nd how it can be thrown out of uterus? Nd she said my mouth of uterus is also big so she wil use a cream to make it small after 3 month. I am very upset I am nt getting wat 2 do now? does my problem is curable or not? Can not I carry a full term baby? I am in depression now plzz help me.

1Doctor Answered
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