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The truth is, hair fall is a complex problem. In fact, ayurveda believes, its the effect of an internal imbalance. Identifying and addressing this internal imbalance will: reduce hair fall & damage reduce hair maintenance effort heal dry, brittle & lifeless hair in order to understand the root cause of your current hair fall, it is important to find out which internal imbalance is causing it losing 20-100 hair daily is normal. Any more than that and you should start treatment. There can be several factors behind hair loss such as environmental effects, aging, too much stress, excessive smoking, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalance, genetic factors, scalp infections, use of wrong or chemically enriched hair products, certain medicines and medical conditions like thyroid disorder, autoimmune diseases and chronic illnesses to name a few. Do not use shampoo and apply coconut oil and only dry excess oil if any without soap or shampoo in order to have a healthy volume of hair on your head, the rate of hair loss and replacement should be in tandem. With age, your hair growth cycle shows signs of slowing down and factors like age, disease, and hormonal changes among others affect the pace at which an individual hair follicle moves through the 3 phases of the hair cycle. A disruption in your hair cycle can give rise to loss of hair that?s rapid and unexpected. Hair loss or alopecia can affect both men and women. The safe and natural ways to reduce the hair fall and induce hair growth is to do yoga for hair growth this will keep your mind and body calm and relaxed as well and hence can be described as a total remedy for body and mind. Balayam is a nail rubbing exercise and it is a union of two hindi words bal and vyayam where bal means hairs and vyayam indicates exercise. In simple language ?balayam? means an exercise for hairs. To be more specific, balayam is an acupressure therapy in which a person rubs his/her fingernails of both hands against each other to stimulate the scalp?s activities. This stimulation if done correctly, frequently and for a longer period of time is known to boost natural hair growth and cure mpb (i.e. Male pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia) observed in some men and women. Method: rub four fingernails (except thumb) of both hands (as hard as possible) against each other. The surface of fingernails should rub hard against each other. Since roots of hair follicles on the scalp are connected to fingernails, this pressure creation will help in pumping required nutrition to the scalp if you rub the tip of fingernails of one hand against the surface of fingernails of another hand, then it accelerates hair growth on ears. If you rub surfaces of only both thumbnails against each other, you can notice faster growth of moustache and beard. (so women should avoid it) if you rub nail tips of one hand with the surface of other hand?s nails, hair in ears will grow. So, it is important to rub without causing friction to nail ends and avoid thumbs. Apart from this exercise, try to quit smoking and have control over alcohol consumption. Also add at least 80-100 gms of protein (soy is preferable), 30 gms of iron and enough sulphur. Drink plenty of pure water, which can help to remove toxins from your body. If you are suffering from anaemia, increase your iron intake. Do this at least for 10 minutes (increase time limit if your hair fall is more) in the morning, before breakfast and 10 minutes in the evening, before dinner. Along with this yoga, practice prithvi mudra for 40 minutes each day. People having high blood pressure should avoid balayam. It may aggravate the condition. Letting your hair get enough sunlight every day is also important. Balayam may not be effective in types of baldness like alopecia areata, alopecia totalis, alopecia universalis etc. Within 3-6 months, you will see a noticeable change in your hairline. After 12 months of regular practice with a proper diet, your lost hair should be restored.
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