I am consuming soltus 100 and lithosun sr for last 4 years. But recently I when I stopped taking this tablets. The symptoms came. My question is for how long I have to continue these medicines to get completely cured?
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If you're taking any medication for psychiatric illness, if the doctor advises, only then stop. Also if stopping is the goal, then the doctor will reduce the medicines gradually. All medicines have to be slowly taperd off over a period of 4 to 6 week. S if its stopped suddenly, obviously it will cause problems. For some illnesses, some medicines need to be given for a long time and for recurrent illnesses or illnesses with multiple episodes, some will have to take them lifelong. It depends on the patient's history and the residual symptoms which are remaining.
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More than 1 year they have to be taken long time if not life time, if during reduction of dose the symptoms recur. Discuss with your treating psychiatrist, he will surely explain. All the best.
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