I have been talking foracort for last 3 days (two capsules each at morning and evening). Now I am feeling better in my breathing problem. Can I just stop taking medicine at once or otherwise there is some specific course for some days to be observed.
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See, the dose and duration of foracort purely depend on diagnosis of disease. As you have not mentioned the name of disease, it will be difficult to say further. Long term use of foracort is not recommended at all unless you have any disease. If I assume that you have an obstructive airway disease, then it may improve with this medication. I strongly recommend you to meet chest specialist. You may need one pft for further decision. Thanks.
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Dear Mr. Vikas, Rotainhalers are usually prescribed to control breathing diseases. If you are better, then you need to inform your treating doctor and get the dose reduced as per your Clinical condition & Treatment requirements. Wishing you speedy recovery.
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Continue once daily for few days then you can stop for few days till increasing symptoms
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