In school time, I had never went to any stage. But now in university life I have to go sometimes to the stage for presentations. And I don't have the confidence. Also my recalling power is very poor. It takes a lot of time to recall anything. How can I boost my confidence and give presentation smoothly and fast my recalling power?
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It seems that you are scared to talk to people. The desire is there but the fear is crippling you. You need to meet with a counselor to deal with this fear and learn how to express the feeling as well as to reach out. Are you afraid that you may not speak well, or that your ideas are not that good, or that people will judge you, or that they will find out about how poor you are intellectually, etc.? These are unnecessary dialogues you have and they are not true at all. When people are in conversation, we are listening to information and how you present the same. You are very harsh on yourself and have decided, for some reason, that you are not good enough. You may have been reprimanded in childhood for speaking or your parents may have been too strict at home. These could intimidate you when you are to speak in front of people. All these matters must be taken up with the counselor. Start talking to people at home first, particularly children, and slowly grade up to older teens and then to adults, as you build confidence. If you prepare and rehearse the conversation you are likely to have, you will do very well when you actually do it. Now there is no guarantee that whatever you prepared is going to be the exact conversation but since you are prepared most of the conversation will go according to script and the rest will be easy to handle because they will be minor deviations from the main course. You could attend the Toastmasters Club, and go for conversational skills courses too. Good social practice will eventually see you through. Nothing will happen, if you are passive about this. For your information public speaking is the number one fear of all mankind. Yet, people speak and appear so confident: it is because they use the fear to advantage and prepare themselves well. So you are not alone. Here are some things you can do to get back your concentration and memory: Daily exercise of at least half an hour is a must. Even if you go to a gym, ask for aerobic and/or callisthenic exercises with whatever else you are doing. A healthy body harbors a healthy mind. With regard to memory, it is very important that your brain and body is ideally rested to be able to recall whatever is required, rather comfortably. Puzzles pose problems to the brain that help it to use new pathways and neurons, which give the brain considerable exercise. It taxes the left brain to use logic to solve the myriad possibilities which other activities do not stimulate. Crosswords are excellent for vocabulary learning and use. Jigsaws and Rubik cube stimulate different permutations to finally settle on the most likely one. Picture completion and anagrams help approach problem solving from several angles. Do Sudoku, and memory co-relation activities and skills. Have a good night?s sleep, have a good breakfast of more proteins, meditate often, remain free of stress, eat a lot of fiber (whole grains, fruits and vegetables), nuts, avocado, eat dark chocolate, consume less of fat and use olive oil instead, do Yoga meditation exercises, etc. You need to check out if you are stronger visual or auditory. The visual is a better mode than the auditory. However, if you combine the two modes, you will get the best concentration. Have a special place of learning, which should be well lit, with soft painted walls, well-ventilated, with no distractions. When you get bored, study by writing. If you repeat learning at least five to seven times, you will apparently remember for a longer time. Sit comfortably but do not slouch. The reading material should be of a fairly large print. Study at small intervals of about 40 minutes and then take a break or change the subject. Short-term memory is a faculty of the left brain, and long-term memory is a feature of the right brain. When people are stressed, they tend to favor the right brain and abandon the left brain, where short-term memory resides. So, it is really very simple: deal with the stress and activate left brain functions. Here are a few suggestions to activate left brain function: shut your left nostril and breathe, move your eyes from right to left and vice versa for at least half a minute at a time, and do callisthenic exercises with some form of counting, regularly. There is a new exercise called Super Brain Yoga, which is done by holding the right earlobe with your left thumb and index finger, and the left earlobe with your right hand?s thumb and index finger. In this position you must squat down and rise up and do this for five minutes every day. There are some memory enhancing techniques and study methods that your teacher will be able to guide you with. If your home life is full of distractions and stress, it is likely to affect your memory, adversely. In that case, I suggest that the family goes for counseling too. The following foods do help too: Blueberries, walnuts, turmeric, Spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, acorn squash, green tea, oily fish, boiled egg, turkey, apples, oatmeal, leafy greens, lentils, pumpkin seeds, avocado, cinnamon, thyme, sunflower seeds, and red wine. Avoid junk food.
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