What are the symptoms of fever? How it causes and what are the measures to be taken to prevent it?
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Hi. Fever, also known as pyrexia and febrile response, is defined as having a temperature above the normal range due to an increase in the body's temperature set-point (i.e., between 37.5 and 38.3 �C or 99.5 and 100.9 �F). For preventing getting fever, need not to get any disease or infection which will cause fever. A strong immune system will protect you from contracting any disease. Medication: Take Schwabe?s Alpha-WD/ twice daily for 1month to boost up the immunity. A fever can be caused by many medical conditions ranging from the not serious to potentially serious. This includes viral, bacterial and parasitic infections such as the common cold, urinary tract infections, meningitis, malaria and appendicitis among others. Non-infectious causes include vasculitis, deep vein thrombosis, side effects of medication, and cancer among others. It differs from hyperthermia, in that hyperthermia is an increase in body temperature over the temperature set-point, due to either too much heat production or not enough heat loss.[
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Symptoms depend on the underlying cause for the fever. Symptoms that commonly occur with fever include excessive sweating, chills, and headache. Additional symptoms that occur with fever include body aches, muscle aches, weakness, fatigue, cough, sore throat, rash, and sinus congestion. Preventive measures:: 1.Boil 1 tsp of chopped ginger in 1 cup of water, add a pinch of salt and drink. 2.Mix 2 teaspoons lemon juice and � teaspoon of rock salt powder in � cup of water. Have this mixture 3 times a day. 3. Do cold sponging and eat light food.Drink plenty of water and fluids. 4. Take 1 tab crocin and CBC test done.
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