Hi doctor. I am a 23 year old male. I happened to have a sexual encounter on 23/12/2019, it was with a male as well. I found him on grindr, he was 37 and have been gay for a while. He was on the receiving end of anal, the intercourse was protected. Although we had unprotected oral sex. Also we kissed, he had a peculiar odor in his mouth I noticed while kissing. I am uncircumcised. After this, he gave me a hand job with his semen still on his hands. I fear I contracted something from him in this act. Also he spit a lot of his saliva on my penis for lubrication. He insists that whatever we did was safe, but after some days I had got really high anxiety thinking of the episode. Also I have openly asked him if he had any infections, he has denied all of it. So after exactly 7 days of probable exposure, I took a hiv rapid test, which turned out to be unreactive. In the coming days I conveniently started experiencing symptoms which matched for hiv I read online. Roughly after 8 days, I had a knee pain in left knee and slight headache, which went away fairly early. Also I noticed, that the tip of penis has gotten considerably dark and the skin under foreskin had scaly structure like it were dry, which is still the same with no improvement. In the meantime I noticed I have foul smelling oral thrush also which went away in 1-2 days. On 06/01/2020 my gf gave a blowjob to me (i didn't cum in her mouth and which was really short[20-30secs], I stopped her right away after remembering the episode.). She developed a throat irritation/infection on 08/01/2020, which really bothers me. I decided to visit a sexologist found on a app for booking appointments on 08/01/2020, who was a homeopathic. He suggested me to take the following tests: * complete haemogram * urine routine * semen analysis * tpha * hsv 1+2, igg, serum * hsv 1+2, igm, serum * chlamydia trachomatis igg on 10/01/2020 I had episodes of really high dizziness which involved spinning sensation, which were followed by nausea and vomiting I would like to add that I experienced the same odor in those vomits I have sensed in the guys mouth while kissing. I emptied all the contents. This made me paranoid to the next level. I immediately took a paid consultation online on a app and told a doctor about the situation, maybe slightly less detailed. He assured me that this was nothing to worry, and said all you are suffering from is a tremendous anxiety caused by guilt, inability to share this to someone and google syndrome (excessively searching for symptoms amd associating yourself with it). He prescribed me some ointment and a powder to be applied for the redness I mentioned. After my vomits were worrisome my parents took me to a hospital on 10th itself in the night, doctor then gave my medication for relief. He gave me the following medicines. * zifi 200 mg * pan * drotin * ors powder * vibact I felt better on 11th. I got my test results back, all of them turned out to be negative. My urine has 4 following abnormalities. * appearance: turbid * proteins: present 1+ * pus (wbc) cells: 8-10/hpf * amorphous deposits: present 2+ also on 11th I noticed fordyce spots on the left corner of my lip. I had an uneasy stomach and sharp pains in the abdomen. Stools were loose and dark on 11th and 12th. The doctor I visited for sexology said all the results are negative, and shunned any of the symptoms I explained. He said it is an infection which will go away. He gave me an ointment to apply on the penis, and a homeopathic antibiotic liquid to take before meals twice a day. On the 11th itself I noticed only my left lymph node on my throat has swollen. Which I believe have gotten smaller in size briefly and went back to same size on the 12th jan (today. My eyes have gotten darker than earlier. Also I feel full ears, with inability to pop them. As of yet (20th day after probable exposure), I have no rashes on the skin anywhere including pubic region. Also I haven't experienced any fever/cold. I am experiencing general fatigue and a feeling of not being contempt at majority of the times of the day. Can you please give some insights on what this can be, as I want to end with the anxiety and start concentrating on my studies as this is a crucial period in my career. Experiencing majority of prime symptoms for hiv after this episode has messed up my brain to no limits. Can these be coincidental? Also what are the gross chances of contraction depending on the nature of act I mentioned. Reading hiv related stuff online a lot has messed up my brain, and I start associating everything which is slightly reliable to my condition. I need your help, what shall be my future actions depending on these circumstances?
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This is a complicated and long history, that consumes a lot of time in going through, understanding and then responding. It is better that you please take a private consult with audio video chat and then I can guide you properly and tell you on what is to be done.
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If all the results are normal you seem to be suffering from extreme anxiety, which happens after these types of encounter commonly. There some minor infections which can be contracted after sexual encounters and which disappear after some time. I suggest you consult a psychiatrist and get help for your anxiety, which will help you well. Good luck.
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Get hiv pcr test, it can detect virus in 48 hours if present and be careful in future.
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Hello. Please be aware no test in the world can detect virus within 48 hrs after exposure. Totally wrong and misleading information. The first screening test is 4th gen combo test which is done at 30 days of exposure and finally at 90 days after exposure. Pl do not shop around wth different streams of Dr. or google Dr. Consult a qualified physician or Dr. gilada for right advice .thnx.
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