I always feel tired and want to sleep, always feel depressed not happy with present achievement no one acknowledge my work neither iam satisfied with my work, even though I keep myself busy, working as a teacher in well known school, at a good post, but morning itself want to run away from everything, but cannon think of leaving job and staying in home, I like to be bay with work.
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You are certainly into a depression. You could be in an anger related and this emotion, if not expressed turns inward causing the depression. Anger is energy and when this turns against you, it stifles the natural energy to make you feel tired, dull, listless and lethargic. If someone irritates you even slightly, you can easily flare-up. Then the vicious circle is for you to feel guilty and get angrier with yourself: more the depression. You have to get along with people especially in a profession like teaching! You must become active; stay upright during the daylight time; meet people; never sleep during the day, and wake up by 6 am every day, play some active games, especially contact games, do physical exercises, talk to people and join some social clubs, eat more of proteins and vegetables, attend Yoga classes etc. Watch a lot of sitcoms on TV or comedies and cheer yourself up. Go for excursions in groups, for outings, camps, conferences, and religious conventions. Get a pet dog and spend time training it, exercising it and relating to it. Expose yourself to some sunlight every day, at least 30 minutes but not in the scotching heat. I hope you can find someone to love and be loved too. Whatever happens please incorporate these three important adaptations in your life: always be responsible, be respectful, and be functional. If you did these three things, lots of things will go well in life. Please pray and have faith in God to alleviate your sufferings. The bottom line is to deal with the anger. Do visit a counselor to help you and on that person?s recommendation you may visit a doctor too.
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