I got some small tiny red colored on my penis since 2 weeks back. And when I am pulling my foreskin back I am getting little pain and total skin inside penis became red color. After that I consulted skin doctor regarding this issue, doctor prescribed azithromycin and clotrimazole ointment. I have used the both but still issue not resolved. Please help me.
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Balanoposthitis is a condition that affects the penis. It causes inflammation of the foreskin and glans. The foreskin, also known as the prepuce, is a fold of movable skin that covers the glans of the penis. The glans, or head, is the rounded tip of the penis. Phimosis can occur alongside either balanitis or balanoposthitis. In many cases, it acts as both a symptom and a cause. For example, having phimosis makes it easier to develop irritation of the glans and foreskin. Once this irritation occurs, symptoms such as pain and swelling may make it more difficult to retract the foreskin. Infections are among the most common causes of balanoposthitis. Infections that can cause balanoposthitis include: penile yeast infections chlamydia fungal infections gonorrhea herpes simplex human papillomavirus (hpv) primary�or�secondary�syphilis trichomoniasis penile yeast infections are among the most common causes of balanoposthitis. They?re caused by candida, a type of fungus that?s normally found in small quantities in the human body.� antibiotic and antifungal creams are common treatments. Corticosteroid creams may also be prescribed. Making regular daily efforts to wash and dry the foreskin can sometimes prevent balanoposthitis.
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