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Can someone tell me what is the treatment schedule for tuberculosis in india as per who, please don't give me diplomatic answer, like talk to nearest tb hospital or pulmonologist and all. As I had it all .no body is clear regarding this treatment every doctor telling same thing. If one have been diagnosed with tb (test results- sputum for afb negative, hb-10, esr -99, rest all cbc normal, tb gold test - positive) physical symptoms cough lasts for 20 days, fever for 5 days no weight loss, no continues fever, doctor asked to start tb treatment it's been 4 months on treatment, but my question is should we continue with all the drugs as we are on (rifampicin 450, isoniazid 300, pyrazinamide 750, and ethambutol 600,) for six month or there is any change in treatment schedule. please clarify.
2Doctors Answered
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May be you r sputum negative pulmonary koch's required 6 months of treatment. 2 months with 4drugs n 4 months with 3drugs att. Thank you.
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In fresh tb case rehz for first 2 months and then maintenance dose reh for n3xt 4 months in most cases if response to drugs good. Pt need review every 2 months.
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