Hello, I masturbate a lot and it's been a while I noticed that my dick isn't going hard enough, so am asking is there is a problem with me or it's just a normal thing that happens sometimes? Please explain it for me, thanks.
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Dear masturbation does not has any side effect. To improve your erection or any other problem call me you can improve with in a day n without consuming any medicine.
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Excessive masturbation may leads to the damage of nerves supplying penis. Which in future leads to dhaat roga or spermatorrhea, leakage of sperm, weak erection or erectile dysfunction, shrinkage of penis, low sexual stamina etc. Stop masturbating immediately. These techniques may be helpful to a person to stop masturbating. 1 exposure to pornography may trigger the desire to masturbate. So avoid pornography. 2 spend more time with family and friends. 3 exercise is an effective way to both lower tension and positively focus energy. 4 stay active. It can be helpful for a person to find a way to occupy their time that does not trigger desire to masturbate. If you want ayurvedic treatment for your problem. You can consult me online.
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There are exercises a man can carry out to reduce the effects of ED. The best way to treat erectile dysfunction without medication is by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles with Kegel exercises. These are often associated with women looking to strengthen their pelvic area during pregnancy, but they can be effective for men looking to regain full function of the penis. Firstly, find the pelvic floor muscles. You can achieve this by stopping mid-stream two or three times the next time you urinate. The muscles you can feel working during this process are the pelvic floor muscles, and they will be the focus of Kegel exercises. One Kegel exercise consists of tightening and holding these muscles for 5 seconds and then releasing them. Try to do between 10 and 20 repetitions each day. This may not be possible when you first start doing the exercises. However, they should become easier over time. You should be able to notice an improvement after 6 weeks. Make sure you are breathing naturally throughout this process and avoid pushing down as if you are forcing urination. Instead, bring the muscles together in a squeezing motion. Aerobic exercise, such a jog or even a brisk walk, can also help the blood to circulate better and can help improve ED in men who have circulation issues.
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