Hello. I have this wart nodule on my penis meatus (and one on my face, I have had history of warts (added low immune & sexual contact showed it up again). It doesn't stop the flow of my urine but itches a bit at times and looks weird. It showed up clearly a month and half back after masturbating and blood showing up. I had been applying marigold + sesame seed paste and neem oil at times, it helped to decrease its size but then it bled again on ejaculation recently and it just multiplied. I have been trying to not masturbate and apply the neem oil/ marigold + sesame seed paste. I have been consuming 1 tab of neem and gandhak rasayan twice a day. But is there any other viable option to treat it with ayurveda specially during these quarantine times?
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lybrate-user its better you consult a urologist as quickly as possible bcos warts usually are benign and they do not bleed often. So its better you consult a urologist so that they might take a biopsy if needed and let you know what your actually suffering from and trying ayurvedic drugs or neem paste do not work so better stop the current medication and avoid friction of the wart as t might get inflammed and you will be more symptomatic.
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probably you are doing the right thing according to ayush. but in allopathic system we treat wart with salicylic acid ointment application. you can give it a try . also kindly consult a veneriologist to rule out any syphilitic nodule. hopefully this will help.
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