I had problem of masturbation and now while having sex the ejaculation happening in less than a minute which I was not able to satisfy my girl and feeling awkward moment. Need some solution for the problem.
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Dear lybrate-user you should nott blame your in efficacy to masturbation rather go for scientific knowledge on your sexuality from some expert with cbt. I provide it on line with very nominal charges.
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1. Deep breathing— Take deep breaths and hold your breath for 5 second between each inhalation and exhalation. 2. Squeeze method— To do this, squeeze the head of the penis when you are at the brink of your orgasm. 3. Stop and start method— once you are close to your orgasm, stop the simulation. Relax and then continue till the end. Repeat the process for a few weeks and then you will become efficient in delaying your ejaculation. 4. Kegel exercises These exercises are aimed to help you gain better control over the muscles below your bladder. They strengthen your pelvic region, particularly creating strong pubococcygeus muscle. These are hammock shaped muscles that stretch from your pubic bone to tailbone, important for genital functioning. To perform these pelvic floor exercises, simply aim to control and stop your urine flow midway when you're in the bathroom. This will make you feel your PC muscle and then you will be able to relax it to regain normal urinary flow. Do this 10 times a day and you will be able to stop premature ejaculation. 5. Applying strategic pressure— the first step is knowing about your perineum and putting pressure over it. Perineum is the spot that lies midway between the scrotum and the anus. It reaches the prostate gland and pressing it helps in delaying the ejaculation process. This happens since the path to the prostate gland gets blocked when you press. Generally, the prostate expands and contracts at the time of orgasm, until you ejaculate. Pressing it breaks the rhythm and delays satisfaction. 6. Limit the anxiety Anxiety can make your ejaculate prematurely before any of you are satisfied with the intercourse. To limit the anxiety, practise running, dancing or strength training exercise before you are about to copulate. And then take a bath with lukewarm water.
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