I have been advised to take letrozole 2.5 mg from my doctor and I competed today. When should I expect ovulation? When should I try for a baby.
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As you are taking letroz, it's important to see by tvs follicular study whether you are having growth of the eggs and ovulation at all or not. It will tell you the day of ovulation in most certain manner. Therefore, please do tvs follicular study. In general, ovulation happens within 7-12 days after stopping letroz.
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after 5 days of completing tablet try everyday for next 7 to 10 days. But ideally you need a folliculometry scan in the first cycle to check ovulation.
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Ideally ovulation occurs between 10-14 day of cycle but it may vary according to individual cycles. So start intercourse on day 10 and uptil 15-16 days. So when we give letrozole or any kind of ovulation inducing medicines we ask patient to go for follicular monitering to know about the size of egg and when it ruptures so that we can tell you exactly when it ruptures and when to have intercourse.
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