As I am 25 years old female, and trying from last 4 months for conceive but I am not able to get pregnant. Whenever we are having intercourse after that the sperms comes out. Is it a good sing or bad. And can anyone help me by mentioning the medicine name so that I can have my happy family.
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Coming out of semen is normal. Pregnancy can occur only one day of the cycle that is ovulation day so unprotected sex around that day only important. As only one day in month nature should be given 12-24 trials (12 to 24 months) before couple need any active management by gynecologist or infertility specialist any couple desirous of pregnancy and not getting same naturally must meet gynecologist or infertility specialist accepting facts that it needs many reports and different trials of treatment. Means couple must have patience and go to one in whom they have trust to stick for a long time.
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Sperm leakage from the vagina after sex is normal and to be expected. Sperm leakage can actually be a good thing because it means there is enough of the ejaculate. After semen is released into the vagina, sperm immediately begins moving into the cervix and up into the uterus for fertilization in the fallopian tubes.
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