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Dear Lybrate reader lactase is an enzyme which digests lactose. Lactose is milk sugar. Lactase enzme digests milk carbohydrate, namely lactose. Lactase enzme is not related to protein digestion. Lactase deficiency is common in elderly. Lactase enzyme tablets are available. Proteins are digested by protease enzymes to amino acids which are then absorbed in small intestine.
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Milk digestion begins in the acidic environment of the�stomach, where pepsin starts protein digestion by breaking down milk proteins into smaller fragments. Lingual lipase does the same to milk fats. These smaller fragments then move into the small intestine for further digestion. Connector. In the�small intestine, proteases and lipases further break down milk proteins and fats (and their fragments) and bile is also secreted into the small intestine to help with fat digestion.� you can do text consultation with me pressing on online consultation button if you wish thanks.
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