My baby girl is 5 months old. One day I see her private part some diaper rash infection. Because of lockdown I go to my nearby family physician. He gave me some antibiotics and the clobetasol cream. I used this cream. After 2 day this area is look like fill ok. I thought this infection is gone. But my bad luck. It's not gone. It spread. And take patches. Then I go pediatrician. He stop the all antibiotics and change the cream. Now he give me eumosone m. I think this is effective but after use this cream this infected areas skin is remove like paper. Why this happen. Is I go to Dr. For this.
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The baby has to be kept dry all times. While cleaning the baby after stools, use a clean wet preferably cotton cloth and pat dry (instead of rubbing which causes friction and more damage). Mix any zinc containing ointment (happy nap/ derma dew diaper cream) with coconut oil and gently apply on the affected area. Keep a lookout for similar rashes in the thigh and buttock folds which might be a fungal infection. Avoid using steroid creams (eumosone is a steroid) as it might worsen fungal infection.
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Hi lybrate-user, you should avoid diaper if you are using it. Keep local area dry .use zinc oxide cream which has no side effect and keep affected area opwn to air dry after appoying cream. You can use this cream many times. No worries.
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perianal rash is mostly due to diapers and zinc def in the body.. so you need to supplement zinc along with eumosome.. antibiotics has no role in it and clobetasole is strong steroid normally baby skin develops reaction to this try to avoid in future.
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It could be a fungal infection. Please try candid ointment local application thrice daily for 7 days. In between use your regular diaper rash cream.
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It could be a condition known as acrodermatitis entero[athica - which needs zinc suppliments and rashfree cream to be applied, take extra consultation with years pediatrician if it is still not getting better in 3 days time.
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I would suggest to show it to the paediatrician. He would give the advice. Diaper rash are itchy. Till then, do not put the baby on diaper all the time. Clean the place with water and let it dry on it's own.
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Nothing to worry, continue eumosone cream anf in case you r using any wet wipes, dicontinue them and use water to clean the diaper area.
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