Hello doctor my daughter is 2 and half years old, due to covid 19 situation I am panic about my daughter, so I want to use some syrup to improve immunity, the medical shop guy gave me vitneurin syrup can I use this to my daughter. Please give me suggestion.
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Vitamin syrups are generally of little use. Give your child a balanced diet high in protein n rich in veg n fruit. Try to include eggs daily to compensate for the vit d deficiency as kids are mostly indoors now. Use antihelminthic meds for worm infestation. If you r a veg include greens in diet. Meat eaters might benefit from having mutton liver to ward off anemia.
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There is no substitute for home based diet which includes fresh fruits and vegetables. Vitneurin syrup is a multivitamin. Maybe given, but is not the solution. Wearing a mask, not stepping outside house and washing hands frequently are our first line defences against the novel corona virus.
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Hi lybrate-user, you can give vitneurin to your child. No worries. It also improve appetite.
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Hello, syp vitneurin is a multivitamin syrup and it can be given 2.5 ml once daily for 2-3 months. Apart from this ensure to give her proper nutritious diet.
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Yes, you can give vitneurin syrup 5 ml once a day as it contains almost all essential vitamins it doesn't contain vit c, you can add with tab limcee chewable tab 1/2 every alternate day apart from supplements you need to focus on diet to improve immunity of your child in form of lots of fresh vegetables and all seasonal fruits, along with dryfruis you can give a mixture of honey, lemon and ginger equal portion once a day, that contains all essential micro nutrients.
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Just give nutritional diet and take general precautions for covid, no more vitamins
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Yes, you can give vitneurin syp and you also give syp zinc 5 ml once a day for boosting immunity.
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