Hi, I am 35 weeks+ 1 day pregnant. My bp remains around 120/90-95. My afi was around 7.3 in ultrasound done 3 days ago. It also says nuchal cord around neck loosely. Growth is seen normal with baby's weight around 2300 gms with normal doppler readings. I am taking depin 10 mg twice a day for bp and arg 9 pouch 3 times a day for increasing afi. Can I hope for normal delivery without risk or c-section is the only option. Also, is it necessary to take steroid injection for lungs maturity at 36 weeks. Please suggest.
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As you have high BP, it is necessary to deliver the baby by 37 weeks, NOT later than this. If there is no other complications, you may try normal delivery. But there is high chance that you may need emergency C section because of uncontrolled BP or problem in your baby. Emergency C section carries higher risk than planned C section. If delivery is planned before 39 weeks, we recommend steroid injection to ensure proper lung maturity of the baby. Steroid is ABSOLUTELY SAFE for the mother and the baby.
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You can hope for normal delivery, relax it will depend on how well control is your bp steroids for lung maturity before 34 weeks are highly recommended but at 36 weeks it depends to what gestation she wants you to carry all the best dear.
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