My 17 month old daughter is not sleeping well at night. She wakes up after 10 mins or 30 mins or maybe an hour. Then after waking up in d mid hrs she starts crying .at that time I give her colic aid drops with a strong dose of 3 ml so that she gets quick relief from tummy ache if she is having one. I fail to understand what s keeping her awake in these wee hrs. After her dinner which she completes by 9 pm I give her vitazyme drops n after 10 mins give her bonnisan liquid .pls suggest me how can my baby get her sound sleep during the night time?
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Check if she has constipation or any redness or swelling around anal region Avoid bottle feed if doing Give her semisolid diet also in addition to milk If she is active and weigh around 11 kg you need not to worry
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She seems to be suffering from night terrors. It's a common self limiting condition in children. Look for stressors. Do not be strict with her. Avoid talking about the condition in front of her. Avoid any medicines post dinner. Also you may try junior lanzol 15 mg chewable tablet half once daily on empty stomach for 5 days.
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Dose is very high. If you r using drops do not give more than 1 ml. U r giving too much medicines.
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Mam, vitazyme is digestive enzyme n bonnison for colic n gas so if years baby is having gaseous distension digestion issue n poor appetite even than I will not suggest these medication for regular continuous use .use for few days if you feel years baby stomach is not good. Vitazyme itself can cause abdominal cramp. So need to stop if you r using on regular basis. Give on as and when required base. 2 nd thing you have nt mentioned her motion history, nature of stool if years baby is suffering from short period of time than may b infection in stomach, worm infestation may b lactose intolerance some food related issue irregularities in diet if suffering from long time than go for for stool routine micro n usg abdomen done get assured nothing to worry. But if years child is growing well having proper diet n all thn no need of worry.
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I think she does not need so many medications. Rationalization of medication must be done.
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