Hello am a 24 year old female. I been having yeast infection for the past five days and am in prescribe medication of fluconazole and a ointment. But my question is, can I take sleeping gummy? Am having a hard time falling asleep do to the pain and irritation.
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Yes you can.
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Hi, Lybrate user, ?yeast infection grows in vulva, cause itching & irritation with cheesy discharge.? fungal infection after period, use of scented pads & sprays can cause itching� and irritation. ?wear loose under garments to allow fresh air to nourish your pelvic, groin and vaginal muscles to check infection.?clean external genital area with underlying homoeopathic medicine. @ echinecea q -20 drops with 1/2 cup of water, thrice, dly. Consult ,privetly for a better and faster recovery, please. ?avoid, junk food, alcohol and nicotine. ?report after a wk, privetly, please. Tk, care.
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You can take. There is no problem with antifungal medicines.
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Not related to tablets.
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Hello Lybrate user. Yes you can take it. Although it's better to follow sleep routine, instead of medical help. You can contact me if you have further doubts regarding vaginal infection.
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Good evening.. Yes u can take the gummies .. there no interaction either fluconazole and gummies . But irritation or pain if u have - Candid gold powder use this instead of ointment. Daily twice after bath. - Avoid using hair removal creams or razors. - prolonged use of pads > 6 hours each pad can also cause infection - maintain hygiene and wear cotton panties, not synthetic. - drink plenty of water . - see if urine is burning sensation while passing or increased frequency. If so treatment is different.
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