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Please visit a physician and dentist and have your blood tested at the earliest. Dandruff and hair fall are not the primary problems now. Use a mild antidandruff shampoo available commercially now. Hair fall is mainly due to hormonal and genetic factors. There are no homeremedies that vil help or quick responses for it. It can definitely be controlled. It's important to eat plenty of pulses, fish, meat and milk. Drink at least two litres water everyday. Exercise regularly. Don't stress out because you don't have long hair or because your hair's falling. Avoid all forms of chemicals, hot devices and blowdryers to prevent hair damage. Massage scalp and wash twice or thrice a week. Don't overshampoo, it'll spoil hair. Don't tie up wet hair and sleep, it'll get infected. If any infections, g et it treated. A thorough blood check up is needed to eliminate autoimmune, hormonal and nutritional diseases. Apart from this, treatment may b needed in resistant cases for which you can consult on the private platform.
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