I am a 37 year old male currently having high bp and high pulse. Can I take telma 40 and prolomet together daily? During night time I am having bit anxiety please advise. At what time I should take.
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Hii Ronil ... Thanks for seeking help here. After carefully listening to your history n evaluating the issue we suggests that yes nexito 5 is very low dose usually we give in anxiety problem .. First of all you need to elaborate some details you are facing then only we come to know that you having only anxiety or other depressive features also there If you consult me we will also go for counselling... Feel free to consult with me here in lybrate for further clarification and doubts if any with nominal fees. Happy to help you. Wish you good health. Get well soon. Regards
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Yes you can take telma (telmisartan) and prolomet (metoprolol) together, no interaction found but if you find and feel any side effects immediately inform to your physician, as far as the matter of anxiety is concerned, please inform your physician about that, after evaluating your history and reports he might be able to prescribe you ssri antidepressants, so kindly consult physician.
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Dear user you want to know the right time for your medicines but in my opinion taking medicines is not a right decision. Currently you are facing a bit problem and you can handle it with some counseling sessions. Counseling will help you to understand how you control and replace your thoughts to reduce anxiety and keep yourself relax. Counseling techniques will help you life long and keep you away from side effects of medicines. Your anxiety is at initial stage right now and this is the right time for counseling, so please call me and discuss your problem in detail so that I ll be help you better. My clinic no is mobile thanx.
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