I am suffering from ringworm from 15 days, and I have used lobate gm cream and terbinaforce plus also but no result now am using clobeta gm cream, clobeta gm treat ringworm? Which cream I have to use for finish ringworm? Clobeta gm treat ringworm?
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You may be suffering from fungal infection of the inner thighs groin and buttocks area which we call tinea cruris. This is commonly referred as jock itch. It is easily treatable by taking 4 to 6 weeks of treatment which includes tablets along with creams. Wrong treatment with over the counter creams like lobate gm, fourderm, panderm, quadriderm, dermi 5, betnovate dermikem oc candid b, hh zole leads to severe side effects and also repeated recurrences. Please do not use super body wash over the affected areas. Do not use steroid containing combination creams. Please contact me using online consultation for detailed prescription. Do not delay treatment as it may spread for the on your body and also to other people living in the household.
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Hello. i went through your query, I suggest you to stop using steroidal creams.. Keep the infected area clean and dry. Don't scratch the affected areas because this could spread the infection to other parts of your body. Ringworm usually disappear with such creams but recurr After you stop taking it. so I suggest you to take homoeopathic treatment to cure permanently. No chance of recurrence after Homeopathic treatment.. you can consult me online for homoeopathic treatment without side effects.
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Good afternoon. Clobate gm worsens ringworm. Kindly consult a qualified dermatologist either in person or via online consultation for proper treatment of your condition. Avoid self medicating for your own good.
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