I�am a 57 yo female.�i take symbicort for chronic bronchitis that is under control. No flare-ups. Suffer from post nasal drip. For the past week or so, I have�an increased�post nasal drip, clear mucus sometimes sticky but clear. Using a steroid nasal spray for almost 2 weeks now.�feeling like I can't take enough air in,� being out of breath even though my oximeter shows very good oxygen levels.�when taking a deep breath, especially with an open mouth I have noticed, �i get pain, more like irritation,� down my throat or even lower than that.� this causes my to (dry) cough and gives me chills. I can't�even take my symbicort�inhaler properly because I start to cough the second I inhale it and can't hold it in.� � worsen with activity, a little better when lying down.�at times pressure in my left maxillary sinus,� my left nostril gets blocked on and off. Feel like I have mucus. I need to cough up but almost nothing comes out.� in addition I had a low fever (around 37-37. 4c�. I never get a fever, not even with a cold. I am always around 36) but taking paracetamol for 2 days and its back to normal. Muscle pain in my thighs and upper arms. No wheezing. No covid-19, chest x-ray�was ok will appreciate your insight.
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Seems like you have bad rhinosinusitis for which you would definitely need an ent specialist to examine you or you can also do teleconsultaion .you will need antibiotics along with some decongestant. See if you can consult an ent doctor. Take care.
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Dear lybrate-user pls get covid 10 rtpcr swab done in first place. All symptoms you explained match the covid scenario. Xray is non diagnostic. Hyperresponsive airway can present as a part of covid infection and sinusitis flares up. You might need oral steroids like prednisolone temporarily to control the inflammation. Pls visit near by covid treatment centre and get tested first. Treatment will follow after diagnosis.
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