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I am a 23 year old female. From may I was suffering from irregular, heavy periods and spotting after periods. And on 20/7/20 done ultrasound, found out simple ovarian cyst measuring 2.5 �2.2 cm on my right ovary. No free fluid in peritoneal cavity. No obvious para aortic lymphadenopathy. No bowel thickening on usg. Endometrium measures 6.2 mm and every other orange shows normal .in blood test platelets is 2.7 lakhs/cumm. Random blood sugar is 88 mg/dl. Hemoglobin is 11 gm %.clia is 1.79 ulu/ml. Esr is 35 mm/ hr. Diff count - neutrophil polymorphic is 83 %. Diff count -lymphocytes is 15 %. Diff count - eosinophil is 02 %. Tc is 9,200 cells/cu mm. Bt is 2 mts 55 sec, ct is 3 mts 45 sec. No hemoparasites and no nrbcs seen. No abnormal/immature cells seen. Normocytic normochromic anemia .there is mild neutrophil. My last periods was on 8 th july and lasted for 13 days. Dr. prescribed tranexamic tablet, pantropraz gastro resistance tablet for 5 days, and cysvia ethinylestradiol and cyproterone acetate tablets, dose: 35 mg for 21 days. I have taken this tablet on 31/7/20. The tablet got over on 20 august. I am getting a medium size pimples on the inner thighs .it's under the skin feeling hard. The area appear dark colour. What could be the reason? When can I expect my next periods. How long I should wait for my periods to see the dr? What causes like this. Is it pelvic inflammation disease? Or due to pcos? Or some other reasons. I don't have any pain in pelvic area. But sometimes there is itching. No burning sensation while urination. Vaginal discharge is light yellow and white in colour. I have got acne on my face and has dark spots after pimples gone. I am also suffering from alopecia areata. Round skin rash that is itching. I am not taking medicine internally for this. Using external hair oil and antiseptic ointment.

1Doctor Answered
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