Hello doctors! I have been suffering from vaginal yeast infections since 5 months after my uti medications. I have taken fluconazole many times but it doesn't work for me, it subsides for few days and again it comes back. Usually the infection increases during the middle of the cycle but now it is increasing anytime. I have also started experiencing brain fog, tingling in hands and feet and my menstrual bleeding has become light. Can you pls tell me what is wrong with my body? My sugar levels are normal too. I am female age 18. Pls help.
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Hi, Lybrate user, ?yeast infection grows in vulva, cause itching & irritation with cheesy discharge. Tk, plenty of water to hydrate your body eliminating toxins. ?wear loose under garments to allow fresh air to nourish your pelvic, groin and vaginal muscles to check infection.?clean external genital area with underlying homoeopathic medicine. @ echinecea q -20 drops with 1/2 cup of water, thrice, dly. Consult ,privetly for a better and faster recovery, please. ?avoid, junk food, alcohol and nicotine. ?report after a wk, privetly, please. Tk, care.
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Kindly do urine culture test.
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Hi! with repeated infection in the urinary tract it is necessary to rule out calculi and to do a urine culture a d treat appropriately. U may have to take antibiotics for atleast 2 wks for better results. But, if your issue is only vaginal infection it can be treated as with local wash / cream. So kindly clarify what exactly is troubling u. I wud also suggest you to do a basic hormonal testing as you r having other systemic symptoms lik brain fog and tingling. Get a good counsultation to fix your problems dear.
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