Seek your advice regarding my wife sonam who have been experiencing tingling pain behind her ears for the past three days. Pain also radiates towards head. There also appears to be some swelling on tte left cheek. Had given candibiotic plus suspecting some fungal infection, but it has not worked. Could it be bacterial infection. kindly suggest some medicines.
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Dear lybrate-user, please tell your wife to consult a good ent specialist so that her ear can be examined by an otoscope as causes may extend from simple impacted wax to other conditions of the ear[ exostosis, hypersensitivity to local antibiotics ect.] .
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Is she suffering from sore throat or cold cough. How the pain aggravate or how she gets relief. How much time it remains. Any bp problem. Is pain continuous. Need details. In the meanwhile follow this 1. Take adequate night sleep 2. Eat at regular intervals. As starvation/gas can trigger headache. 3. Avoid things that can trigger headache. Common triggers include alcohol, caffeine or poor sleep. Inculcate good sleep practices like having a regular bedtime schedule and avoiding naps, caffeine and tv before bedtime. 4. Don't take stress- pursue an enjoyable activity or verbalising frustration to reduce stress and improve mental health. 5. Avoid foods that you know triggers your headache. 6. Hot packs and heating pads can relax tense muscles. Warm showers or baths may have a similar effect 7. Drink water. “dehydration can be a big cause of headaches, for this homeopathic treatment is very effective for more details you can consult me.
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