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Hi Iam 27 years ols, I have Kolupu Katti (FAT multiple lipoma) it was speed in whole body day by day. And it will growth big size day by day. Regarding this I went few doctors, all says same answer no worries about this, and only way to operation to take out this. 1. How many places we can operate and remove it? 2. Is there any option to stop growthing it? 3. What will happen if we do not care about this in future?
1Doctor Answered
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Lipomas are single or multiple, noncancerous subcutaneous tumors that are easily recognized because they are soft, rounded, or lobulated and movable against the overlying skin. Many lipomas are small but may also enlarge to 6 cm. They occur especially on the neck, trunk, and on the extremities but can occur anywhere on the body .Treatment generally isn't necessary, but if the lipoma bothers you, is painful or is growing, you may want to have it removed by surgeon.
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