Hi, from last 10 days my mother is having heavy swelling, pain, redness and hot touch in her left leg from knee to foot. One of the doctor said its cellulitis and prescribed duonem er but we do not see any improvement after taking this medicine for 6 days. Please advice.
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Leg swelling generally occurs because of an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the lower extremity. Common causes of leg swelling include idiopathic edema (swelling of unknown cause), overweight, is older, salt retention, cellulitis, congestive heart failure, venous insufficiency, pregnancy, and medication side effects. Some tips that may help reduce swelling: 1.Put your legs on pillows to raise them above your heart while lying down. 2.Exercise your legs. This helps pump fluid from your legs back to your heart. 3.Follow a low-salt diet, which may reduce fluid buildup and swelling. 4.Wear support stockings (sold at most drugstores and medical supply stores). 5.When traveling, take breaks often to stand up and move around. 6.Avoid wearing tight clothing or garters around your thighs. 7.Lose weight if you need to.
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