I know some harms of masturbating but still I can't control my emotions I have at least once a day so how can I stop it or control it till I find a women.
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Firstly, masturbation can be controlled by engaging yourself in some activities that will help keep your mind busy such as: taking a walk, watching some sport programs, reading the holy bible or holy koran as the case may be, avoiding any pornographic pictures or programs, engaging yourself in some new things which you have never tried since you were born like taking a piano lesson or any other music instrumental lesson and thinking about your future. Secondly, avoid staying alone when you sense the feeling or argue to masturbate. Thirdly, visit some holy men of god for some prayer session because its really difficult to stop masturbation without god's intervention. Forthly, you need to tell yourself the truth whether masturbation is helping your physical or spiritual life. When you do this, it will help you realize that there is absolutely nothing to again in it. The fifth point is finding someone who can encourage you and talk you out of it. Someone who you trust so well not to inform any other person that you do masturbate. Someone who can help you control such act. The sixth point is to take a cold bath so to relieve you of the heat of engaging into such when it comes. The seventh point is determination. If you are not determined to stop masturbation then there is nothing anyone can say to you that can make you stop it. You need to be determined so that you can easily overcome the spirit of masturbation. The eight point is listening to music. Music has a lot of support in this aspect because it helps to relax and cool your nerves and also send you to an imaginary land which you have always dreamed of since your childhood.
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