Hello doctor. I am 30 year old female. I have bi polar disorder from 2011. I took medication still now like nexito plus, ativan, pacitane. I am married and I have one daughter at 7 year old. And I am planning for second baby now. My problem is god is helping me through people. So I started to talk with unknown persons. Because in my point of view I can see them like god. And also over talking. Over thinking, sleepless. So I faced lot of problems. Still now I gone through lot of episodes. Admitted to hospital and then recovered. Like this it is continuing. Because I strongly believe that god is there help me through people. So please help me to recover from this problem permanently. Thank u. Waiting for your reply.
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Dear Mohana Priya, Please read more about bipolar disorder, especially manic episode. Periodically you will have a manic episode - overthinking, overtalking, sleepless, risk taking behaviour like talking to unknown people, overconfidence, etc. Manic episodes not only wastes your time and money, it also brings down your prestige, name and fame. It will be followed by a depressive episode where you will regret for your behaviour at this stage. Many episodes in 10 years needs a serious consideration of a mood stabiliser tablet. At this state, you don't need nexito plus, ativan and pacitane. You need major tranquillisers like olanzapine or risperidone. Talk to your doctor as EARLY as possible and start on different tablets to avoid hospitalisation and more damage to your money and prestige. Once you come out of this episode, plan for second child - not now.
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Stress patients worry too much. Stress in today?s day & age where stress is high, feelings of frustration can emerge. It is our perception that can change our current negative situation into a healthy & positive one. Another way of perceiving these feelings of frustration can be by looking at them as an opportunity to push ourselves to go that little extra mile until we achieve our objective. However, there are times when we all can go around in circles; and being in this space can be quite upsetting and lead to feelings of dissatisfaction, frustration and can even cloud our mind and judgment. Exercise one hr daily, oil massage body, hobby, support from friends family, help others, weekly holiday, yoga, meditation you stop present medicines and take sizopin 25 mg 1/2 0 1/2 you can reduce or increase dose as per requirement this talking excessively should stop all the best.
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I do not suggest that you have a baby now. You are having serious conditions and pregnancy now will make matters worse because it is stressful. I do strongly suggest that you meet with a counselor and god will talk to you through a professional too, and much more sensibly. You may want to review your medication and diagnosis just to make sure that it is correctly assessed now after these many years. Do not do anything that will increase your stress and work with a counselor about your emotions in particular. You need to be occupied, and fit into a routine of interesting activities every day. Yoga and meditation are also necessary to train your brain to be disciplined. Exercise always plays a stabilizing role and is the most holistic medicine besides. Since the mind is regularly perturbed by unreal fears, a reality check through counseling will help you discern fact from fiction. Your socializing and maintaining steady relations is the hallmark of a good recovery program.
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Your symptoms suggest towards a manic episode and medications you take are not all appropriate for these symptoms. You need to consult a psychiatrist for proper medication change and then plan for pregnancy under observation of a psychiatrist and gynecologist.
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