I am 17 years old. My face was full of pimples since 2-3 years. Now it started to decrease in quantity. But the spot marks are still there. Amd the pimples also show up at certain times. Is there any remedy for spot removals and pimples. I once read about using baking soda with water and applying it on the spots. I tried it 3-4 times. Now it seemed to have less. But when I discontinued again the scars came. Is it healthy for skin to ise baking soda/powder. Im also using a radiant gene activator with licorice extract. Please help me if im doing wrong. And suggest remedies.
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Do not use baking soda regularly,it vil make ur skin sensitive and prone to allergies.u can continue using the li price extract.Use a broad spectrum sunscreen both indoors as well as before going out. It shud b both uva and uvb protective. Use a cap or scarf or your dupatta to cover your head. Avoid scrubbing your face. Do not steam or sauna. If you swim, use a sunscreen prior to it and after.Avoid face cosmetics for the time being. You can press powder onto your sunscreen if at all you want to use a cosmetic. Drink two litres of water everyday. Pick up carrots, papaya, pumpkin, black grapes to have everyday. These contain important antioxidants and phytonutrients which vil soften your skin. Do not stress over anything. Pray-itll distract you off your stress. You can use this do it yourself mask at home which vil give you an instant glow. Mix 1 tbsp puree each of papaya and carrot with 1 tbsp of curd and 1 tbsp of aloe vera. Apply it across your face or dull body part for ten to fifteen minutes and wash it off without soap.
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