I am 25 years old female. I am having abnormal vaginal discharge from over 6 months, visited multiple gynaecologists, they confirmed that it's a fungal infection and gave me a month long treatment involving fluconazole and cansoft cl but still no good. The discharge type has been changing over time white, slight greenish, sometimes thick, sometimes watery. Not sure what should I do. Are there any tests that I can undergo to understand the actual problem?
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Hello, get an examination done and swab test for culture. Get blood investigations of you and your husband to rule out diabetes and infections. Then we can come to a conclusion.
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Hello! looks like you have a mixed infection of a yeast with trichomonial infection which gives it a greenish tinge. You can go in for a vaginal swab test- in which they take a sample from your vagina and test it for what infection is there in it and what medicine works best for it. So you get vaginal swab for culture and sensitivity and also a random blood sugar test to check your sugar levels. Recurrent yeast infections are common in those with raised sugar levels or diabetes.
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Get your sugar levels checked. If high that needs to be rectified as diabetes increases recurrence. Also if you're married, your husband needs to take one vdm kit. Keep the area clean with v wash during bath. If still doesn't resolve, you can take t cifran ct twice a day after food along with t pan once daily before food for 5 days.
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